guest speaker for charity

Where Does Inspiration Come From?

An artist looks out on an orange pink sunset and is inspired to paint.

An activist looks out on poor work conditions for daily workers and is inspired to create positive change in their lives.

A man is upset with his current health and is inspired by the story of another man who changed his habits when he thought it was impossible to do so.

#Inspiration can present itself in many forms.

Sometimes people are inspired by others.

Sometimes people inspire themselves.

Sometimes they are inspired by natural events around them.

Regardless of where and when inspiration may strike, it is an interesting thought to think about the core of inspiration.

Where does inspiration truly originate?

Simply put, where does inspiration come from?

Join Rebekka Helford and Oleg Lougheed, on December 4th at 4:15 PM EST, as they explore where inspiration comes from, places where inspiration can be found and other related topics.

Leave inspired or inspire others with your insights!

👉 If these conversations have made a difference in your life, consider supporting our mission by making a contribution at the link below👇so we can continue changing the world, one heart and one mind at a time.

Your donation will continue to help others demonstrate their strengths and uniqueness to the world.

What makes you trust the people closest to you?

How does one develop trust? What are the elements that make up trust?

He said, “What I’ve seen in the past from my experience is trust really came from those who were consistent in my life …”

It is through consistency that we are able to tell whether or not people are fully invested in the relationship at hand.

  • Do they trust you enough to reveal deeper parts of themselves?

  • Do their actions speak louder than their words?

A set of questions that most of us seek answers to, as we try to form healthy and trustworthy relationships.

What questions do you seek answers to as you’re developing trust in a relationship?


  • On Mentorship: Find people who will help you see the bigger picture in life

  • On Developing Trust: Learn to observe your environment

  • On Leadership: “Actions always speak louder than words”

  • On Self-Narrative: “Why” do you want to share your story?

Keep Moving Forward


She was in 63 different foster homes between four and 21 years of age.

63 different placements, a number that is simply unimaginable to most, if not all, of us.

She said, “The experience going through 63 foster homes was a tough one to swallow because I knew what I was entitled to … and I also had to face the fact that there are going to be times that the people who are responsible for providing services to you, providing care to you, don’t love you …”

But, despite all of the challenges and the constant transitions, it was through the foster care system that Felicia Wilson ended up meeting a foster parent who changed her life for the better.

A foster mom that helped Felicia embrace her own identity, and feel comfortable in her own skin.

A foster mom that helped Felicia realize the importance of accepting the cards she has been dealt with in this lifetime and figure out a way to play them to her advantage.

A foster mom that helped Felicia develop confidence in her own abilities, which led her on an unexpected journey of starting, “Fear Everything & Rise,” a platform to better prepare young people affected by foster care with the tools necessary to grow and live prosperous lives beyond the child welfare system.

I asked, “If you were given one word to describe your foster mom, what would that word be?”

She said, “Loving … As a kid growing up not having that stable mother figure in your life … being a kid that went through 63 foster homes … I’ve always wanted that simple hug … I always wanted to know that someone accepted my flaws … I wanted to know that no matter what decisions I made, right or wrong, at the end of the day I wouldn’t be judged … I wanted to know that if I fell short of anything I tried in life … somebody would still accept me and love me the same…”

If YOU were given one WORD to describe either of your parents, what would that word be?


  • On Independence: With freedom comes great responsibility

  • On Growth: Push yourself outside of your comfort zone

  • On Letting Go: Let your wall down and let others in to help you

  • On Acceptance: Accept the cards you’ve been dealt in this life, and learn how to play them

Want to Connect with Felicia?


Embrace Who You Are

He had three different names before he was three months old.

He said, “The first name I ever had was Jeremy Jones… In the foster homes … I was Toby … Now my given name, Aaron Parchem…”

For Aaron Parchem, silver medalist at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships, adapting to new environments was not an option, but rather a necessity.

It is a skill that not only helped Aaron Parchem during his early childhood years, but also during his time as a figure skater.

He said, “In skating… when I tell people that I was a figure skater for the first time, you get kind of a blank look like, ‘Is this guy messing with me?’ … I’ve come to expect it and that is what it is … I don’t look like a figure skater … I didn't even when I did it … I am a straight, black male in skating… When you’re unique, you’re going to elicit unique responses…”

Embracing his identity and surrounding himself with giving people were the only ways to break through some of the remarks Aaron had received along the way as a figure skater, a profession that has taught him life lessons that cannot be replaced.

Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, “Am I happy with who I have become?”


  • On Challenges: “People rise to the occasion when they’re challenged”

  • On Empowerment: Live in the service of others

  • On Support Groups: Find people who’ll support you no matter what

  • On Self: Develop a good understanding of who you are on the inside (feelings, values, and tools that you can use to accomplish your goals)

Breaks, Breakthroughs, and Breakdowns

Where do you come from?
A question that some of us are fortunate to have an answer to, others not so much.
A question that sparks a story deep inside our hearts; a story that gives others hope to not give up when times get tough.
He said, “My mother… at 18/19 years old… had a six-month-old baby boy, $100, a plane ticket, a friend’s name in Chicago and she decided to start our life…”
Not the most ideal beginning, but sometimes the only thing we have is starting where we are, using what we have, and doing what we can.
For John Robinson, it was no different.
He continued by saying, “I believe people should overcome less.”
A motto that has become the guiding force behind his current work: to connect those who seek with those who raise their hand to give.


  • On Family: A collective energy of those that care about each other

  • On Purpose: Focus on present-purpose

  • On Overcoming Odds: Trust yourself

  • On Growth: Ask yourself, “How do I?”

Want to Connect with John?

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Life Won’t Give You Anything You Can’t Handle

Who are you?
A question that some, if not most of us, seek an answer to.
A question that led Joel de Carteret on a lifelong journey of self-discovery.
He said, “I was 35 years old and I didn’t know who I was… I wanted to write my own narrative…”
A journey that taught Joel two important life lessons:
1. If you want to do something, you have to do it yourself
2. Whatever you set your mind to, you can achieve
These are the lessons that have become Joel’s cornerstones as a filmmaker.
The profession that has allowed him to not only tell just any story, but stories that are making a difference.
Stories that give our time, on this pale blue dot, meaning.
Stories that inspire others to keep going during times of adversity.
Stories that can change your life, if you’re living your life authentically.
Are you living a true and authentic life?

On Identity: Stay curious about who you are
On Adversity: “Life will never give you anything you can’t handle”
On Self-Narrative: Who do you want to be and what do you stand for?
On Purpose: Tell stories that are going to make a difference

Want to Connect with Joel?

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Refuse to Lose

Failure is good.

Fail fast, fail often.

She said, “I failed many times throughout my life.”

At school, she was not the best student.

At home, her life was one of abuse and fear.

But, she was good at one thing.

She spent countless hours practicing with all the boys who were older, stronger and taller than her.

Basketball saved her.

I asked, “Why kind of impact did basketball have on your life?”

She said, “I wanted to play basketball to get out of my home.”

Basketball took her to her dream school. It challenged her. It tore her down. It discouraged her to the point of planning an escape.

But, she continued to tell herself, “Get to the next play.”

One day after another, the message remained the same.

She turned adversity to her advantage and owned her outcome.

Even after everyone stopped caring about what she had accomplished.

She chose to Refuse To Lose.


  • On self-improvement: It’s a daily habit

  • On problems: Be solution-focused

  • One adversity: It will become your advantage

Want to Connect with Adell?

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Blues from Vietnam

Lara came to us by way of Operation Babylift, a mass evacuation of orphans from South Vietnam to the United States as well as other countries. She is now a professional musician living in Austin, TX as a Blues stage performer and recording artist. 

Her musical talent was inspired by influences such as her father, who gave her her very first music lesson, and dance classes which contributed to her burgeoning talent at a young age. “Watching people play music when I can’t is a little like watching someone eat while I’m hungry,” she says while talking about a time when she had to rely on a day job to supplement her living expenses when starting her musical career.

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Lara exemplifies a glass-half-full outlook on life and illustrates this through her thoughts on spirituality, productive routines, and constant self-awareness that allows her to consciously make healthy choices. She emphasises the importance of surrounding yourself with good people who will push you to meet them at their level, and knowing that regardless of who you know, or how much innate talent you may have, the bottom line of your success and happiness in life will always and forever come down to discipline and hard work.

Episode Highlights:

  • On creativity: It’s an outlet often observed in orphans

  • On making it in music: It’s all about hard work, not who you know

  • On energy: Consciously make healthy choices

  • On self-awareness: Question yourself

Episode Notes:

  • Operation Babylift [1:30]

  • The power of Facebook [4:30]

  • The power of music [8:00]

  • Day jobs [13:00]

  • So you want to go into the music business? [15:00]

  • Pushing through the struggle [17:00]

  • Parents [22:00]

  • Wait, what am I? [26:00]

  • Facing stereotypes [28:30]

  • Love = abandonment [24:30]

  • Calling them “Mom” & “Dad” [37:00]

  • Leadership [42:00]

  • Support the music [49:00]

Want to Connect with Lara?


Commit to Your Dreams

Lisa believes that the ability to take control of your life all boils down to self-awareness. Through self-awareness you discover what makes you happy, drained, fired up, and motivated which in turn all help you decide how to proceed in life in the most strategic, productive way for your individual self.

Lisa herself is living proof of this. Gaining inspiration and training from her best friends and other life coaches after a difficult downward spiral in her own life, she was able to fully commit to what she discovered she wanted to be: a life coach. “Once I became clear on what I wanted and what my purpose was, I didn’t have any doubts.”

overcoming odds

Lisa and her brother Joe were adopted by a mother who wanted a sister for her daughter, and wound up bringing not only Lisa home, but her brother Joe as well so that the siblings wouldn’t be separated. When asked about her birth mother, Lisa says, “I don’t think she wanted to give us up, but looking back I think it was the best decision.” Lisa has an endless appreciation for people, their stories, and helping them achieve their goals in life.

Episode Highlights:

  • On giving: Do so purely, expect nothing back

  • On leading: Use your heart, not your ego

  • On commitment: You must learn to persevere

Episode Notes:

  • Life coaching [1:30]

  • Advice [5:30]

  • Adoption history [8:00]

  • A sister for Lilly [9:45]

  • Fast forward to now [13:30]

  • Through a lense of energy [15:00]

  • Do it for the right reasons [17:00]

  • A great leader… [19:00]

  • What fuels your passion? [24:00]

  • Daily routine [25:30]

  • Things to be excited for [28:00]

  • Being alone [31:00]

  • Final takeaways [33:00]

Want to Connect with Lisa?

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Learning from the Good and the Bad

Joe Galindo is a culinary entrepreneur based in Austin, Texas where he and his wife own and manage, RedBookChef. Their venture was inspired by his wife’s little red notebook in which she would take notes while watching cooking programs as a young girl. In this episode, Joe tells us the story of how he went from foster care and a lucky adoption, to where he is today.

overcoming odds

At the age of five years old, Joe was found by Child Protective Services and entered foster care in Fort Worth, where he was later adopted by a loving family who instilled within him a life-long work ethic, which has made him into the entrepreneur that he is today. Ever since childhood, Joe maintained a strong positive outlook on life and always believed that things would be okay, even when they seemed to be at their darkest.

Joe worked in a myriad of roles within the food service industry, including one at Walt Disney World, where he continued to develop his entrepreneurial spirit, and honed his skills as a businessman in the world of food service.

Episode Highlights:

  • On Success: Never stop educating yourself

  • On Positivity: Count your Blessings and Enjoy Small Moments

  • On Investing in Yourself: Think Big

  • On Pressure: Use it to Make Yourself Better

Episode Notes:

  • Friends of Peter [1:00]

  • Red Book Chef [5:00]

  • Family history [11:00]

  • Birth parents [16:00]

  • Past and future [19:00]

  • Blessings [21:00]

  • Maintaining optimism [24:00]

  • Trust [30:00]

  • Telling your story [33:30]

  • A no-brainer startup [40:00]

  • Final thoughts [48:00]

Want to Connect with Joe?

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