lack of commitment in a team

The Journey, Not the Destination

I’ve had many challenges in life: a rough childhood in a lower middle-class family, severe introversion, fear and lack of commitment and direction, depression, lack of self-esteem, and many others. In general, I have overcome them in the past and am continuing to overcome them today through faith and perspective. Faith teaches me that there's a greater good if we choose to see and experience it. It keeps in perspective the mundane trials and tribulations that hammer away at our happiness every day, and thereby ensures that we keep what's truly important at the top priority.

Sharing my story is important because it resonates with so many other's stories. I'm like everybody else - I've had and will continue to have my struggles. My intent isn't to put myself on a pedestal, it’s more to let others know that it's okay to struggle. Suffering and strife make us better and stronger. It's also to let others know that it's okay to admit that their lives aren't perfect, just as mine isn't. But perfection shouldn't be a goal, because it's unattainable, yet so many of us beat ourselves up for not attaining it. My intent is to encourage others to appreciate the whole journey, all the ups and downs, more than the destination. Journeys define us; destinations simply set the direction.

There are so many people who have been influential and supportive throughout my journey, and I hesitate to get too religious, but I’d be dishonest if I didn’t say Jesus Christ was one of them. In practical terms, He suffered much but always saw the beauty in His fellow men. He inspired hope in the less fortunate. He gave the downtrodden a reason to be joyful. He forgave those who did him the most harm. Regardless of one's religion, most would agree that these values and attributes are ones we should all strive for to bring fullness and appreciation to our lives. Though there are many other great examples of people who have done these same things and lived through just as trying experiences, to me, Jesus sets the standard to which the rest are measured.

Through all the challenges I’ve faced, I’ve learned that I can overcome a lot of adversity. Not because I am strong necessarily, but because I’ve learned to appreciate the lessons and resulting personal growth that come from it, and there is much in this life for me to be thankful for.