gender inequality in the workplace

What Have You Learned From Your Story?

“You live and you learn.”

But, what does that truly mean? Is learning the same as living? Is living the same as learning? What is the connection between the two?

Do all of us have the capacity to learn from life circumstances? Or is learning a skill that’s available only to a few of us?

How do you know if you have learned something?

Does everything in life have a lesson behind it?

Join us August 27th, 11:45 AM EST, as we, Scott Mason, Casey Berman, Dorothy Oger and Oleg Lougheed, explore ways to learn from life circumstances, the importance of beginners mindset, and other related topics.

Share what you have learned from your story so far!

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Your donation will continue to help others demonstrate their strengths and uniqueness to the world.

Acknowledging Gender and Diversity

Diversity is something all companies, as well as everyone in society, need to educate themselves on. Gender is just one aspect that many feel is not understood enough, and the conversation about gender is one that is necessary in order to promote inclusion.

Celia Sandya touches on the difference between gender and sex, the importance of recognizing someone’s gender, and making sure everyone of different diversities feels included in a company. In having this conversation about gender, anyone listening can feel more educated and use this knowledge to make anyone they encounter feel included and respected.


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