“Just because you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean it’s not being impacted”

“Just because you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean it’s not being impacted.”

This morning, I was having a conversation with members of our #BNI group, and a friend of mine said those words.

My posture was the first thing I thought of after hearing his words.

This is an area that I’ve been actively working on for many years.

Relationship Status: It’s Complicated 😂 (to say the least)

Over the past few years, I’ve become a lot more aware of it, yet it has still been a challenge for me to maintain good posture every single minute of the day.

I still remember the days when my Mom would ask me to fix my posture at the dinner table or a business colleague sharing with me how good posture portrays confidence.

In complete honesty, I just haven’t made enough of a conscious effort to prioritize it as an area to focus on and improve.

A conversation with LaChelle Adkins immediately came to mind during which she said, “Whatever I value, I prioritize.”

Part of the reason, for me, why I haven’t made enough of an effort to start to fix my posture is because I don’t value it enough to start.

I don’t need to need to know the whole HOW, I just need to know where to START.

For those who have been actively working on their posture, where would you invite one to start in order to improve it and change the relationship status from “It’s Complicated” to “In A Healthy Relationship?"