Sometimes life brings you full circle to show you how far you have come.
A few weeks ago, I was invited by Hands Across the Water to facilitate a professional development workshop with the staff on different ways to use curiosity as a tool in rewriting their professional narratives.
Little did I know the feelings, thoughts this experience would bring.
The walk down the memory lane.
It started the night before, as I was brushing my teeth.
I remember standing in front of the mirror, looking deep into my own reflection.
Glimpses of my distant past flashed in front of my eyes.
A life that once was and still is a part of me.
I felt a tear stream down my face.
Then, another one.
And, another one.
Part of me could not believe the life I was experiencing.
Part of me could not believe that in less than 24 hours, I would get an opportunity to facilitate a discussion with a group of people that helped me get adopted.
A group of people that worked day and night, doing everything they can to make sure I get the opportunity to experience a different life.
To those not in attendance who played a role in bringing me to the states, “Thank you for all that you’ve done and all that you do!”
Thank you Katie Page Sander for helping me create this moment!
There are unforgettable moments in my life and this certainly is one of them 🙏