“You don’t have to do it all by yourself”.
A few days ago, a friend of mine uttered these words out loud.
To him, they may not have carried much significance, as it is a daily practice he has established over the period of many years.
To me, it was exactly what I needed to hear.
His words stopped me dead in my tracks.
They immediately reminded me of the number of times I tried to do it all by myself.
There was a time when I thought I didn’t need others.
Years later, I realized that I did.
There were doors that I simply couldn’t open by myself, no matter how much effort I put into it.
Such time also helped me realize that having others eased the pressure to have it all figured out.
It helped me realize that I didn’t have to have all of the answers.
Don’t be afraid to rely on others to help you get to wherever you’re going.