Give others the space to:
- Grow 🌱
- Be themselves 👤
- Develop their voice 🗣️
- Share ideas 💡
- Heal ❤️🩹
Two weeks ago, I had the privilege of facilitating a workshop on different ways to use #curiosity as a tool in #rewriting of one’s story with a group of students from Calbright College.
As students joined the Zoom room, I felt something, deep inside me.
I’ve experienced this feeling before.
In fact, I’ve experienced it many times.
The feeling of how transformative such spaces can be.
There was a time when I didn’t believe in the power such spaces can create.
I viewed vulnerability as a sign of weakness.
I wasn’t open to different ways of thinking.
I wasn’t open to receiving help from others.
Years later, I’ve developed a different perspective around these concepts.
I have witnessed such spaces create the possibility to discover ways to overcome whatever challenges may be ahead.
I have witnessed vulnerability in its purest form.
I have witnessed communities be formed.
I have witnessed the power of a curious mind.
Thank you Amna Jara for allowing me to create such space with your students 🙏