“I knew it all”

“I know it all.”

The other day, a friend of mine asked, “What do you do in situations when you believe you know it all?”

At first, I laughed.

I was once that individual and maybe still am to a degree.

Then, I replied, “I ask myself, ‘What am I here to learn? What is this here to help me see?’”

I apply it to all situations.

I believe life is a giant classroom where every scenario provides an opportunity to learn.

Boring conversations.

Arguments with significant others.

Watching the 🐌 cross a busy road.

My dog getting loose in the middle of the street.

All of these are scenarios for life to be viewed through a different lens.

There were times when I wasn’t interested in learning from the everyday life.

I thought that I knew it all.

Then, I was reminded, “Whenever you think you know everything, you know nothing.”

This statement has helped me transform a lot of my “know it all” scenarios.

It allowed me to tap into my greatest gift, the ability to be curious.

It changed how I view and engage with the life around me.

Next time when you think you know it all, ask yourself, “What am I here to learn? What is this here to teach me?”

Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.