Life is full of opportunities.
The other day, I was having a conversation with one of my family members when this thought came to mind.
I remember him sharing with me how he was able to secure his most recent internship position.
The story of what appeared to be a “random” conversation on a flight back home, months later leading to an interview.
His story reminded me of the numerous times such has happened to me.
The time of panic, rushing through the crowded airport security lines, thinking, “There’s no way I’ll make this connecting flight.” Yet, moments later, finding myself on that flight seconds before the doors closed, sitting next to somebody who ends up helping me solve the next piece of my life puzzle.
The time I was asked to step aside due to not having the proper mask to board the bus to the airport in Italy, then sensing a light tap on my right shoulder, “Here you go. I don’t usually carry extra masks, it must be your lucky day.”
The time I needed a ride from Manhattan to Brooklyn, but not having the means to order a ride. Turning to a complete stranger for help, seeing him open his door and not charge a penny in return.
Life has proven to me over and over again that opportunities are everywhere.
Much of this has been possible due to the following:
1. Be open, aware and willing to seize the moment.
2. Challenge your own expectations of how things “should” be.
3. Give it time. Not everything happens as fast or slow as you expect them to.