It’s Just Information

“It’s just information.”

A few months ago, I was invited by S. Scott Mason to attend a #networking event.

I was able to figure out the “Where,” “What,” “Why” and “How” it was taking place.

The only unanswered question was, “Who” would be there.

I decided to take a chance despite the fear of the unknown.

I reminded myself that in a room where I may not be able to connect with everybody, I was there to connect with somebody.

An hour into the event, I met that somebody.

Christopher Kies.

We connected immediately.

It felt as if we had known each other for years.

We shared one story after another.

Out of all the stories, there’s one that remained in the back of my head.

The story about the bracelet.

The bracelet with “it’s just information” written across it.

A great daily reminder that everything and everyone I am surrounded with is just information.

I get to choose what I #do with that #information.

I get to choose how I #react to that information.

Yesterday, I received my pink bracelet.

Yesterday, I had situations in my life that put the bracelet to work.

With every situation, I looked at the bracelet to remind myself, “It’s just information.”