Focus on the process, not the destination

I’m not ashamed anymore.

I wish it was as easy as saying the words out loud.

A few weeks ago, I began the journey of exploring how curiosity can help overcome my invisibility.

Parts of my identity that I chose to keep invisible, miles beneath the surface.

In places where they could never be found.

I couldn’t predict where this journey would take me, yet I was eager to find out.

I asked, “What do I choose to keep invisible from myself and the rest of the world?”

Then, I got silent.

I allowed space for the answer to reveal itself.

Some people are scared of silence.

I welcome it.

Silence has given me insights into my life that no other activities have.

Silence has been the backbone to my personal growth.

All of this begs a question, “Does curiosity allow the letting go of shame?”

My experience has taught me that it can bring greater awareness to the parts I was once ashamed of.

Critical step in the process.

Reminds me of something a friend of mine once told me, “How can you know what you’re trying to solve if you don’t know the problem to begin with?”

The rest of this has been about getting comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Becoming courageous.

Similar process to what it was like choosing to wear my favorite t-shirt in public.

At first, I questioned how often I should wear it or where I should wear it to.

I wore it once or twice per month.

Only around people closest to me.

People who have already accepted me for who I was.

Then, with a little bit more courage, I wore it multiple times per week.

Eventually, I wore it around people I didn’t know.

This is what my process of accepting the invisible parts of my identity has been like.

Using curiosity to become aware of those parts.

Seeing, hearing and valuing the rediscovered parts of myself.

Being open and vulnerable to the changes such process may bring.

Focusing on the journey, not the destination.