Position Yourself for Success

Life Lesson #1,234,567: Position yourself for success.




The sound of Kaleb’s tail hitting the table as he made his way underneath from one side to the other.

At first, I didn’t think much of it.

Then, it happened again.




He crossed back over.

I couldn’t help, but wonder what all of the ruckus was about.

I put down my sandwich and looked down.

His tail was wagging, stomach growling, eyes painting a mental image of a dog who hasn’t been fed in years.

“Aha, I see what you’ve done.”

“You’ve repositioned yourself.”

His first spot put him out of sight, hidden with all of the objects between the wall and table.

Not to mention the limited physical space he had to make himself fit into.

His second spot put him in the middle of an open floor where he was able to spread out, making him hard to miss.

“You win,” as I tossed a piece of my sandwich into his nearby food bowl.

As I sat there, finishing the rest of my sandwich and watching him swallow his, I couldn’t help but think of the important lesson this situation had taught me.

The importance of assessing one’s position and making the necessary adjustments to improve one’s chances of success.

I immediately thought of my life and how positioning myself can make all the difference.

Am I networking with the right people to help me reach my goals?

Am I seizing the opportunities to learn and grow from?

As Kaleb showed, repositioning can be critical in achieving the desired outcomes in life.

Just as he adjusted his position to secure a piece of my sandwich, I too must assess my situations and make the necessary changes to put myself in the best possible position.

What did I learn from all of this?

#1: Make a sandwich with ingredients that dogs don’t like 😂

#2: Embrace the challenges, stay open to learning, and remember that sometimes a simple shift in position can make all the difference.