Be proud of the work you do, the person you are, and the difference you make.
For years, I associated being proud as being arrogant.
I avoided the term at all costs.
When my friends did well, instead of being proud of them, I disregarded their accomplishments.
When I graduated from college, instead of being proud of the moment, I didn’t choose to acknowledge it.
When someone thanked me for my work, I dismissed their remark.
It wasn’t until a few years ago that I became curious of the story I told myself about the term, “proud.”
It was then and there I realized that a different story can be written.
I started rewriting my story the same way I’ve advised others to, by looking myself in the mirror. Reflecting, daily, on a piece of legal pad, what “being proud” meant to me, ways to show acknowledgment or admiration for my life’s journey.
I practiced saying “thank you” every time I heard somebody acknowledge the impact my actions have had in their lives. I consciously stopped dismissing their remarks.
Today, I am especially proud of all the people that I’ve been able to help rewrite their story.
I am proud of the people they’ve become.
Adept communicators.
I am proud of the person I’ve become in the process.
I am proud of the decision I made six years ago, to become the client of my own work.
To embark on a journey to better understand my own fears, obstacles, and discover a better path.