Is it worth fighting for?

“Is it worth fighting for?”

One of the hardest relationship questions I’ve had to answer.


For me, there was rarely a clear cut answer.

I remember times after arguments with my significant other, sitting around the kitchen table, boiling with anger and confusion about the situation, pondering, “Is it worth fighting for?”

I’d proceed by asking, “What is the IT?”

One question led to another.

Is IT the relationship itself?

Is IT the other person?

Is IT how I feel being in the relationship?

In some relationships, I was able to find an answer after further examination.

In others, I’d leave the situation with, “I don’t know”, which has been one of the more difficult answers to accept.

In fact, it took me years to accept the true meaning of “I don’t know.”

Previously, whenever I was left with, “I don’t know” I would interpret the situation as, “No.”

Over the years, I’ve learned that “I don’t know” doesn’t necessarily mean “Yes” or “No.”

It is simply, “I don’t know.”

What all of these situations have taught me is the importance of being intentional with my actions.

Taking the time to truly understand the relationship.

Why am I getting into this relationship?

Why do I feel connected to this person?

How do I feel while being in this relationship?

I am not stating that every situation should have a straightforward answer.

Some answers may take, as they have for me, months or years to reveal themselves.

However, in being able to identify elements of IT, it has helped me make a decision moving forward.

What does, “Is it worth fighting for?” mean to you?

What is the “it” for you?