How resilient are you?

“How resilient are you?”

Yesterday, as Casey BermanScott Mason and I were having a series of discussions during, “Survive to Thrive: Attitude of Gratitude,” this question came to mind.

As I sat there at my kitchen table, eyes glued to the computer screen, closely listening to Casey and Scott share their perspectives, feeling as if I’m in the same room as all of them, yet being thousands of miles apart, I couldn’t help but think about my own experience.

“How resilient am I?”

I immediately thought of the time when I was hiking the Grand Canyon.

The hike that lasted a total of 6 hours, yet felt like a lifetime due to the difficulty of it.

On my way up to the top from the Plateau Point, there were points throughout the hike when my body wanted to give up.

I don’t blame it considering that I was hiking 3 miles horizontally and 1 mile vertically, as the conclusion to the 12 mile day 😂

If you haven’t hiked the Grand Canyon, think of it as walking on a treadmill, on the highest possible incline for 3 hours.

As I continued to go up the trail, stopping here and there, resting on fallen rocks along the side, enjoying the last drops of water or the last clementine, I kept repeating one message, “One more step ... mind over body.”

I’d pick a point ahead of me, typically a turn, beyond which I couldn’t see the trail, and repeat, “one more step ... mind over body.”

Could I have given up?


Did my body want to give up due to what was the most intense hike I’ve ever put it through?


The difference was, I kept going.

I kept believing in the fact that by continuing to take that one more step, I’d eventually get to where it is that I’m going.

This hike helped me reaffirm how resilient I truly am.

As you think about your life, I’m curious to hear from you, “How resilient are you?”