"You can't do it.”
I remember one of the first times I heard these words.
I didn’t have the perspective that I do today, so I took those words personally.
I said to myself, “watch me.”
Inside, I felt a pot of chicken noodle soup starting to boil.
The anger was real.
In fact, as I look back at my journey, some of the greatest moments of inspiration came from that source of anger.
The times when someone would say, “You can’t do it or there is no way something like this is possible.”
Laura Staley recently mentioned, “anger is the inverse of passion.”
Knowing what I know today, I believe there’s a grain of truth in that statement.
It took me a while to understand how to channel that anger in a productive way.
Using it as a source of creation, not a force of destruction.
As I think about the subject today, I can’t help but think of all of the times when I was told to shy away from anger.
Or the times when someone would say, “you’re angry, you need to change that.”
Today, especially now, I don’t choose to shy away from it.
I embrace it.
In fact, I welcome people who think “I can’t do certain things in life.”
I welcome such feedback, as I believe it could provide me with the much needed inspiration to achieve the exact thing I aspire for.
How do you or can you channel your anger into powerful, productive action?