Change Your Vibration. Change Your Life.

“Everything in life is vibration.” – Albert Einstein

The other day, I woke up feeling tense, heavy, confused.

I was vibrating at a lower frequency.

Part of it was due to the new changes in my life.

Change in priorities.

Change in self-talk.

Change in habits.

Change in friendships.

Change in physical environment.

As I sat there, thinking about all of the new changes, I was reminded of a conversation I had with a friend of mine a few weeks ago.

We spoke about, “How to change your vibration.”

I remember him sharing with me the different ways he changes his vibration.




“What a timely conversation,” I thought to myself.

Another tool to add to my toolkit.

His words helped start the process of changing my vibration.

I went for a run around the neighborhood.

I expressed gratitude to those closest to me.

I practiced forgiveness.

As I concluded each activity, I felt a new flow of energy pass through me.

I felt happier.

I felt more at ease.

I felt a renewed sense of purpose.

Change your vibration.

Change your life.