Do you know when you need to face a fear or avoid it?

Fight or flight.

This is the core of the sympathetic nervous system.

It is so ingrained in human physiology and psychology that it can be traced to ancient humans.

If a saber tooth tiger was stalking an early man, they had to know how to use their fear to either sprint as fast as they could or overcome the threat with the tools they had at their disposal.

Most humans now do not have the same stresses that our ancestors had.

However, the same response to threats and fears is still very much a part of our being.

The challenge is that this response activates when threats are equally as minor or major.

It takes the wisdom and intellect of an individual to understand what is happening in their body when a perceived threat is presented.

The question then becomes, do you know when you need to face a fear or avoid it? The dilemma: Run away from fear or run to it?

Join Nancy John, Casey Berman and Oleg Lougheed as they express how to successfully navigate #fear and #uncertainty.