Which elements of your old self are you choosing to hang on to as you’re striving for the next version of your self?

“What do you have to let go of in order to become who you want to be?”

This morning, as I was reading one of S. Scott Mason’s posts about letting go of one’s old version of self, I had realized an important lesson.

One that I chose to overlook for many years.

Lesson: understand which elements of your old self you choose to hang on to during your time of transition from old to new self.

Whenever I wanted to change something in my life, I jumped into it head first, leaving everything behind.

Whether it was a new morning routine, workout pattern … the list goes on.

At first, all of the new changes brought a lot of excitement into my life.

Then, the new changes became overwhelming.

Slowly, this overwhelming feeling became a riddle I simply couldn’t find an answer to.

With Scott Mason’s help, as well as so many others, I have finally found an answer to that riddle.

The new changes became overwhelming because I had no anchors.

Nothing to hang on to, nothing to give me some sense of comfort or support.

I’ve realized that there’s a process to change.

To me, change doesn’t always mean abandoning everything all at once, rather making incremental changes until I am able to fully transition beyond the current circumstances.

Which elements of your old self are you choosing to hang on to as you’re striving for the next version of your self?