Life Is A Journey. It Is Up to You How You Live It.

Life is a journey.

It’s up to you how you live it.

It has been six years since I made the decision.

The decision to start creating the life of my choosing.

I remember sitting on the floor in the family room of my significant other’s home.

Big, round, wooden table in front of me.

A white sheet of paper on top of it.

A black pen next to it.

I was hesitant to pick up the pen.

Then, life flashed in front of me.

I was reminded of the feeling that has been eating at me for weeks prior.

The feeling that intensified with each day.

The feeling of change.

Going back was not an option.

Picking up the pen and facing what I felt inside was my only choice.

Steve Harvey once said, “There are two important days in your life. The day you are born and the day you figure out why.”

In 2016, I began the journey of uncovering my “WHY.”

In 2022, I developed a more clear understanding of that “WHY”, to help others rewrite their story.

Six years and all of the years prior, of facing the daily challenges and finding ways to overcome them.

Six years of commitment to myself and the process of reinvention and flexibility of my story.

Six years of working closely with thousands of people from around world, guiding, supporting them in the process of rewriting their story.

Others can walk your journey with you, but nobody can walk it for you.

You, and only you, have the power to make that choice.

If my message speaks to you and you’re ready to dive deep into your life, your thought process, your beliefs, your most vulnerable and empowering moments, reach out [link in the comments].

Change your story.

Change your life.