Figure out what you really want.
Then, go after it.
I am reminded of this daily.
Every time I eat, our family dog is there.
Sitting to the right or left me, hoping that I’ll drop a piece of food or give it to him voluntarily.
I cannot recall a time when he took a day off.
The words: never, can’t, quit, are not in his vocabulary.
Some days, his persistence pays off more than once.
Some days, it takes multiple attempts to get just a little bit.
Some days result in nothing.
His efforts remind me of the importance of showing up regardless of what happened the time before.
His efforts remind me of the importance of having the right attitude going into every attempt.
His efforts remind me that even though he didn’t get food from a person one day, it doesn’t mean he won’t get food from the same person the next day. People change.
His efforts remind me that sometimes all it takes is being “right” once.
His efforts remind me that #persistence can pay off.