Don’t make permanent decisions based on temporary feelings.
A friendly reminder from a great friend of mine.
I immediately thought of the numerous times I’ve done such throughout my life.
The times when I ended friendships due to feeling angry.
The times when I ended relationships with significant others when things got tough.
The times when I ended business relationships due to being disappointed.
I was convinced that I was absolutely right.
Making the decision justified how I felt.
I’ve repeated such approach for years until I got tired of waking up to regret the following morning.
Enough was enough.
I had to change.
I started by asking others what they did in similar situations.
Most if not all responded with, “Stop. Breathe. Decide.”
I slowly introduced such practice into my life.
I started with just, “Stop.”
Then, incorporating, “Stop. Breathe.”
Then, “Stop, Breathe. Decide.”
Years later, this three word approach completely changed the way I make decisions.
Next time you’re in a similar situation, remember to: Stop. Breathe. Decide.