Don’t worry about what you can’t control.
Focus on what you can control.
The other day, I felt frustrated.
A friend of mine had promised to call.
The call never came.
It wasn’t the first time such thing happened.
We’ve been playing phone tag for quite some time.
There have been times when I called and he didn’t answer.
There have been times when he called and I didn’t answer.
As I sat there, waiting for the call, I felt a sense of frustration cloud over me.
Part of me couldn’t believe this was happening, again.
Then, I was reminded of a quote from years ago.
“Don’t worry about what you can’t control. Focus on what you can control.”
I can’t control when he calls or if he calls.
I can control how I react.
I can control my attitude.
I can control how I choose to see him moving forward.
I can control the story I create in my head.
This situation was a great reminder not only for this time, but thousands of other times life presents in front of me.
Don’t worry about what you can’t control.
Focus on what you can control.