Just say, “No.”
Much easier said than done.
At least that has been my experience.
Over the years, I found it difficult to say, “No” to things I didn’t want to be a part of.
I didn’t want to disappoint others.
I didn’t want to negatively impact the trajectory of a friendship or relationship.
I didn’t want to create conflict or confrontation.
So, I went with it.
I said, “Yes” to things in order to avoid all of the above.
I took meetings that should’ve been nothing more but text message exchanges.
I went to events that I truly didn’t want to be a part of.
I accepted connection requests when the better decision might have been to decline.
It wasn’t until years later that I began to see the impact of my decision to say, “Yes” to all things.
Lack of personal boundaries.
Belief that I cannot and should not say, “No.”
Constant fear of losing a friendship or relationship.
Becoming aware of all of this helped me develop an action plan to move forward with.
Now, I set clear boundaries for what I want to engage in.
I do the cost-benefit analysis. I weigh out the pros/cons of saying, “Yes” compared to, “No.”
Lastly, I put it all into practice. I practice it every opportunity I get.
I don’t get it right every single time.
I am not striving for perfection.
I am striving to be better than I was before.