If you want something, don’t be afraid to ask.
The worst they can say is, “No.”
I was in Ecuador when I was reminded of this.
I remember the guide telling us as the city tour concluded, “Thank you for opening your hearts. Now, please open your wallets.”
His last statement caught me off guard.
I couldn’t help, but laugh.
He was so direct with his communication.
Then, I was reminded of, “You don’t get what you don’t ask for.”
I immediately thought of the times when I was too afraid to ask for things.
The times when I was afraid to ask companies to hire me as a speaker.
The times when I was afraid to ask someone out on a date.
The times when I was afraid to ask for donations to support the work of Overcoming Odds.
I was afraid to ask due to previous rejection.
The handful of times I was rejected when I asked someone out on a date.
The handful of times the person said, “I don’t have any money to donate.”
The handful of times someone said, “I do not want to hire you as a speaker.”
These times overshadowed the 99% of times when I did get the things I asked for.
Negativity is powerful.
The more I leaned into it, the more I became aware of the power of the empty feeling in my stomach rejection carries.
The influence of it on future events.
Over the years, I’ve realized that it’s impossible to avoid rejection.
#Rejection is a part of life.
However, what is possible is to change the story about it.
⭐️ I have found that most times when people respond with negative remarks to my ask of being a speaker, it is not due to my ask, it is due to where they’re at in life, the battles they’re fighting. Lesson: Don’t take feedback too personally.
⭐️ I have learned to reframe most, “No’s” into “Not yet.” Lesson: Nobody truly knows what the future holds. Therefore, the answer can change over time.
👉 Don’t let your past stop you from creating your future.
Continue adding tools to your toolkit.
Tools that can help you move through the inevitable parts of life.
Change your story.
Change your life.