If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit

Rest, don't quit.

A few weeks ago, I started training for an Ironman.

2.4 mile swim.

112 mile bike ride.

26.2 mile run.

I’ve done bits and pieces of each activity before, but not at the intensity required to compete in an event such as the Ironman.

Ever since I started the training, the thoughts of, “Why are you doing this? Quit while you’re ahead,” kept coming up.

Especially, in moments, when the going got tough.

Most times, I’ve been able to reassure myself of the reason why I started.

To see my body and mind in the best shape of its life.

Reminding myself of the “WHY” helped serve as fuel to keep going.

The other day, I was doing sprints around the soccer field.

One lap after another.

As I turned the corner of my second to last lap, the thoughts of, “Why are you doing this? Quit while you’re ahead,” came up again.

The thoughts were so strong, they stopped me dead in my tracks.

Part of me wanted to proceed as suggested.

The past me would have done exactly that.

Quit when the going got tough.

This version chose to finish running the lap, to rest, to not quit when the going got tough.

⭐️ Lesson of the Day: If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.