Half the battle in life is showing up.
Words from my Dad around the dinner table a few years ago.
At the time, I didn’t understand the significance of his words.
I wasn’t fully living this mantra.
I didn’t start off the day with an intention.
I backed out of opportunities due to them being “too big.”
I had difficulties staying true to my commitments.
It wasn’t until years later, I understood the meaning of my Dad’s words.
It wasn’t until I looked myself in the mirror and committed to the person I saw.
Committed to showing up on days when everything was going well.
Committed to showing up on days when the s*** was hitting the fan.
Committed to being intentional with every action I took.
Committed to doing the best that I can.
In a world of infinite possibilities, lies the key to your opportunity.
Step in, grab hold, stay focused, the opportunity is yours.
Be intentional, commit to your actions, show up, look ahead, and watch your opportunity turn into magic.
Like my Dad said so many years ago … half the battle in life is showing up.