A few days ago, I was having a conversation with Joshua Koerpel on the Firebuilders.io podcast when this thought came to mind.
I’ve experienced this myself many times.
In fact, I can list numerous situations where I said, “I wish everyone thought like I did,” especially when I didn’t see eye to eye with someone.
I still remember times being caught in the middle of a conflict, trying to win the other person over, make them see my side of the battle and ultimately agree with why I was “right.”
Internally, repeating to myself, “Only if she thought the way that I did or how can she not see what I’m seeing?”
I still do that sometimes, not often.
I try my best to catch myself whenever I’m in a situation and change the course by choosing to be more open minded and understand the other person’s way of seeing the world.
Over the past few years, I’ve realized that there is beauty in seeing different ways of thinking.
In my opinion, seeing an opposing or simply different thought, allows me to have perspective.
It gives me an opportunity to see the other side of the coin.
I am now choosing to acknowledge and embrace this part of my journey.
I no longer try to convince the other person of my point of view, but rather try to understand theirs.
I believe everyone is “right” according to the lens that they’re seeing the world through.
Whether it relates to religion, politics, or whatever other subject one can think of, I don’t believe one lens is any better than the other.
It’s just different.
How do you embrace the fact that not everyone thinks or sees the world like you do?