“It’s not a coincidence ... it’s life happening FOR you”

“It’s not a coincidence ... it’s life happening FOR you”.

The other day, I was taking Kaleb for his afternoon walk, as I was reminded of this.

We were making our way up a relatively steep hill, as I noticed an older man walking behind us.

I’ve seen him before.

In fact, he and I cross paths almost every single day.

As we pass each other, we often say, “Good Morning! How are you?”

Then, continue our walks without looking back or thinking much about the exchange.

Well, this time around, I chose to do something different.

Instead of continuing my walk, I chose to stop at the nearby dog 💩 station to pick up a bag for Kaleb’s future presents 😂 

As I stood there, ripping off a bag and putting it in my back pocket, I glanced back to see how far he was.

I didn’t want to be shouting across the neighborhood.

I saw he still had some ground to cover, so I grabbed another bag.

It felt strange, hanging by the dog 💩 station, waiting for him.

Part of me wanted to turn around and walk toward him, but then thought he might think, “What does he want from me?”

Not wanting to set off any alarms, I chose to stay put and wait.

As he had made his way toward me, I asked, “How is your dog doing?”

He responded, “She’s in Arizona with my significant other ... I’ll be going to Flagstaff in a few weeks to see her.”

“What are the chances?” I thought.

I proceeded by saying, “I’ll be going there in a few months to hike the Grand Canyon. Is there anything you’d recommend seeing?”

He mentioned a list of places that were not on my list and concluded with the following, “When you land, send me an email ... If you have the time, I’ll take you all out for lunch.”

As we went our separate ways, I couldn’t help but think of, “it’s not a coincidence ... it’s life happening FOR you.”

Initially, I thought, “What were the chances that he lived in Flagstaff and was going there a week before I was?”

Then, instead of pondering the question, I chose to accept it for what it was.

It was life happening FOR me.

In fact, similar instances have happened like this before.

Much of this “life is happening FOR me” I believe comes from being intentional in the way that I live my life and the people or experiences I’m attracting into my life.

When you hear, “It’s not a coincidence ... it’s life happening FOR you”, what does it make you think of?