When you look at a cup of a water with liquid that fills up to the halfway mark, what do you see? Is the glass half full of water? Is the glass half empty?
This analogy has been used to describe both positive and negative thinkers. A positive person tends to look at what is in front of them and is happy for it. A negative person notices what is missing and become bitter because of it.
However, where does the idea of hope fit into this? Can only positive people experience hope? Does a negative person feel hopeless?
Hope can create a feeling of peace in times of uncertainty. The positive person may be able to access this framework more easily. For the negative person, it is not unfair of them to feel upset in times of turmoil, but they can still access hope for better days. Does the negative person then to shift their way of looking at the glass?
Is hope just positive thinking or a real shift in perspective?
Please join Oleg and Steve as they ponder the perspective of hope and feel free to add your thoughts in the comments below.